Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Stinking Willie…

… So many beautiful plants blooming locally, so why have I gone with this one?
Probably because I’m a child at heart :-)

(And, of course, the adult in me says because the ‘wilding’ of the garden is interestingly in full flow).

I have been working today (as in writing and gathering things together). ‘Show and Tell’ basically. I do wish that had been a thing, back when I was at school.
We did have a Nature Table. (To this day there’s a little part of me that still believes dead dragon flies come back to life and bite. Kids eh?).
The Ladybird books from the (sour-milk smelling, gingham-cloth) nature table; ‘What to Look for in… (Spring) Summer’ etc also remain vividly in my mind. (And I still loathe gingham!).

Just don’t get me going on Janet and John; or ‘Happy Venture Readers’.
That’s probably where I started today :-)

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