
By Pinkhairedlady


Up at 7.30 this morning to make sure I had enough time to walk Phin and feed him and get myself showered and dressed before I headed to Cameron Toll for an eye appointment at 9 to check out an annoying wee floater I’ve had for the last few weeks.

As I was getting drops in my eyes, Mr PHL had to take me there and back. The appointment went well and the good news is that it is just an age related floater so no treatment needed.

We picked up a few bits and pieces in the supermarket, an interesting experience walking around and having to peer at everything.

Mr PHL took Phin for a walk when we got back and I tried to blink the blurriness away. Managed a blip catch up this afternoon, thanks for bearing with me.

Miss PHL phoned this morning with a bit of a dilemma to discuss. It’s her birthday next week, the day after my daughter in law graduates following her distinction award in the MSC she has been working on for the last two years so we had a couple of celebrations planned. This morning she was asked if she could join a school trip leaving for the alps tomorrow as one of the staff members had to pull out today due to an abscessed wisdom tooth. We told her she should go on the trip as we can always celebrate when she’s back. The upside is that they will be in Paris on her actual birthday and a boat trip down the Seine is planned. The following day they’re going to Disneyland Paris before heading back to Edinburgh. Downside is the bus travel both ways but you can’t have everything!

I’ve managed to spend a bit of time on my festival waistcoat this afternoon before a cobbled together dinner after which Mr PHL headed to his art class and I headed into town to meet Miss PHL to hand over her suitcase, a portable battery pack, packing cubes and a couple of pairs of my shorts for Miss PHL to borrow.

Now relaxing for a bit before bed.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday. Liked the look of this knot on one of our apple trees.

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