
By Beewriter


It was Jude’s last day here and she fancied Beaumaris so we headed there. But fistly, we stopped off in Benllech to let Juno have a good run around. We walked almost to Red Wharf Bay and we decided to go there for a drink but as the tide was coming in we walked back to the car and drove round before we were cut off.

We had tea and cake….a must when you are on holiday! Then we drove to Beaumaris for a good mooch around the shops. I bumped into Alan the Owl Man and his wife, they live round the corner from me. (He isn’t called Alan, but he always looks like an Alan to me and I can’t for the life of me remember his real name. He used to keep owls, hence we know him as the Owl Man).

We had a snackette sitting on the pier. Jude had fish ‘n’ chips, I had chicken nuggets and chips and Rach opted for cheesy chips. We were warned by a few people about the seagulls so we were extra careful! There is a great ice cream shop there and it would have been rude not to have one. Jude then headed off back home as she is back at work tomorrow and Rach and I went to Penmon Lighthouse.

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