it all takes time

By Don2532


OK! I know its summer at last and glorious weather out but if the mood is still life then thats what I'm going to do. I took these roses yesterday along with my alliums from yesterdays blip and whilst I was happy with result I wanted to try again in a more controlled environment (no wind) and make use of focus stacking. Though I haven't focused stacked the allium, I have re done that minus the breeze.

My nearly made it Allium from today

I should have, now I remember, taken a photo of my bike as today was my first day back on the bike in sometime. Off on a cycling holiday to Cambodia later on in the year and really need to get a few miles in the saddle to ensure I enjoy the whole thing. Cycle Blips to follow.

Might be worth looking at large :-)

UPDATE Have tweaked vibrance from original posting, was a tad too in your face

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