On Some Days

By V1k1

Tiny Dancer . . . Elton John

The winter blubs are slowly opening.  Apologies for not wipping down this corner of the kitchen bench.  We had coffee and scones at Andrews which is always a delight.   I did a little weeding so I could plant sweet peas.  Jen grew them from seed planted in the autumn and they are suppose flower longer than ones planted in spring.  We shall see if the theory is correct.  The sister in law poped in and left with a lettuce.  All in all a pleasant day with sunshine and good people.  Today has been a public holiday for Matariki, the Maori New Year.  It is a new holiday.  The Matariki star cluster, the Pleiades appears in the east before dawn.  There was a frost this morning and I didn't look.  Maybe tomorrow? :-)  The tradition is a time of remembrance, joy and peace.  A time for communities to come together and celebrate.  
Happy weekend to all.    


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