
By TrishaR

PRI Day Clinic

We had a good walk with Saffy, who is not keeping too well , and Lucca. Picked up shopping and home for lunch.

Decided to walk down to my appt as weather was nice but then 5 mins from the clinic the rain appeared and was torrential. Luckily had brolly.

My dentist referred me to the Oral and Maxillofacial unit at the day surgery unit at PRi. Last time I was at dentist I had a dome shaped lump at side of my mouth near my eye tooth. Today was the appointment. The thing was just after the appointment the lump burst and pus came out . I called the clinic but they wanted me to come anyway just to check .

Turns out it’s a blockage of the Mucoceles of which there are loads in mouth and she said as it comes and then goes and isn’t sore then to leave it as if you disturb it more arrive. Like the Gremlins I suppose !

Walked to library to take back books and walked home. I was weary. I need some warm sun.

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