
By LeeAnne

Diamond Wedding Anniversary...

My parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary today so we got together at the hospital and had lunch with Mum.

A friend told me that you could apply to Buckingham Palace and have a card sent from the King and Queen so that's exactly what I did. My brother came up with the idea to ask some of their friends to record a message for them so I took in my laptop and played the videos for them. Lots of the people we had asked sent cards to the house which was really touching.

I'd baked a chocolate cake as it's Mum's favourite a and when I asked if she'd like cream with it, quick as a flash she said 'is the pope a catholic?' It made us laugh a lot, she's still there in moments. Despite saying she was full from the main course, she wolfed down the whole slice! 

My Dad had brought in their wedding album and it had all the cards and telegrams, along with the invoice from their actual day which was for the venue, the band, the food and it came to £90!!! The bill from their honeymoon for a week in Tiree was £70!! How times have changed!! 

We had a lovely afternoon and I'm glad we were able to celebrate together. 

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