Another Day

By BlackTulip

Thank you for breakfast

For breakfast yesterday I had banana with small chopped up pieces of apple, which I seemed to manage reasonably easy, but today I could only cope with about half an apple and threw the rest out for the birds.

Not long afterwards I saw this squirrel helping itself to one or two pieces.

After doing the dishes I slapped on a lot of foundation and a bit of eye makeup before heading up to my friend’s for a natter and although a few people passed by in their cars I didn’t have to explain “my face”.

JJ has gone off to a meeting this afternoon so I’ve had to deal with the shopping delivery, and explain “my face”, which wasn’t too bad.  I’ve now got plenty of soft fruit I can manage to eat but should have ordered some yoghurts to go with it.  I’ll get JJ to get some when he goes for the paper tomorrow.  I’ll do salmon with rice tonight.

Now I’m watching the tennis.

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