
By neilnewson

'The Naked Lady'

With the great weather comes great photographic light. And great sunsets. And great warm evening so have been spending evenings in our newly planted and now rather gorgeous looking garden.

This lady is affectionately known to us as 'The Naked Lady'. She has traveled with my wife since she was discovered in her new garden in Wimbledon when she was 9 (Anna that is, not 'The Lady'). She rarely looks happy, just various states of mild discernment or outright disgust.

(On a separate note, great 2k Lido swim today - was heading for the Lake but forgot my wetsuit and was a little concerned that my performance would be under-par having had a week off the water with last weeks business - but no! - felt better than ever. Was even faster than one other person in the pool so the break did me well. Still probably wise not to attempt the lake without a suit just yet but maybe will try a circuit next week as have to get four loops in - that's 3k - before Sundays 3.5k Apton Court to Kingston bridge Thames Swim) ;)

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