Tigger's Takes

By Tigger101

The bee's knees ......

...... and bum!

A lot fresher today .... we seem to have a blanket of cloud settled overhead .... not cold though :-)

It was lovely to hear the buzzing of the bees while I was in the garden deadheading .... a lovely accompaniment :-)

I love watching the Bumblebees "doing the rounds" inside the poppies. 

They have a higher pitched buzz while they go round & round inside the flower .... this stimulates the production of nectar .... their actions also increase the amount of pollen they collect .... a win win situation for both :-)

Thought this photo of the  White-tailed Bumblebee in the Welsh Poppy would be just right for Flower Friday .... thanks to BikerBear for hosting :-)

Hope you all have a Tigger-tastic weekend .... stay safe :-)

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