The last days of the orchid's flowers
I’ve been meaning to record the flowers on my second orchid.; the first flowered some months ago. They are both renewals, so I’m very pleased with myself for being able to bring them on to their third flowering. In both instances the flowers have been both more numerous as well as larger and longer lasting, so I think I’ve cracked how to care for them properly.
I brought this orchid in the window of my study. Normally they are placed in their pots in permanent but bright shade on a cabinet. I thought I’d try using my iPhone rather than a macro lens, an easy decision to make because the lens was downstairs!
When I looked closely at the flowers which I think are beginning to turn and are likely to fall off soon, I saw a few scale insects had invaded again. I deal with them without insecticide by manually squashing their cases. But I was surprised at how many little blemishes were there, so I’ve caught the outbreak in time. As you probably know they suck out ‘material’ from the plant’s surfaces and leave a sticky secretion.I was surprised to find them on the flowers themselves as well as the stalks and leaves of the orchid.
I quickly took a few test shots with the phone’s camera, and I tried a 'Portrait' mode, but by chance in error I touched a screen control which made the camera produce this high contrast image. I rather liked it. The other shots weren’t especially good, given the odd light conditions, and I think the benefit of a macro lens will win out in future. But it is a change and an experiment, which I’ll offer up for Flower Friday, if I can find a link!
A more usual exposure is available as an 'Extra'
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