Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

House Finch

Another one of those sun in, sun out days. Mr. House Finch came right up to the window to say hello. Nice of him to do so.

I'm really frustrated today because of my nephrologist (kidney doc). Short version: they called yesterday to tell me to go get lab work for my Tuesday appointment. I got to the lab and it was inexplicably closed. I called the doctor's office and was told I may have to change my appointment. I already had to wait two months because of a canceled appointment. I'm supposed to see her every three. Rescheduling would make it at least seven months since I last saw her.  Phooey!

At the moment, there's thunder and lightning. I hope that leads to rain which would perk me up. I know, who perks up when it rains?  :-)

Yesterday I was washing the car with my son.
He said: “Dad, can’t you just use a sponge?”

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