When will I see you again?

Today Wes and I packed our things and headed back to Edinburgh. We've had a great time at my folks' house, but we're now home watching the Apprentice.

Wesley and Misty almost bonded during our couple of days at home. They were usually in separate rooms (or behind dividers) and they were starting to get used to each other. Wesley would try and rub his face against Misty through the conservatory door glass. They came face to face once and both behaved admirably! I do believe they'll miss each other!

The journey home was much easier for Wes, he slept most of the way and there were no mishaps this time! Woohoo! What a good wee man!

Went to running club to to tonight for a hill session. The heat was thankfully bearable!

Today's run: 5.5 miles
July running mileage: 31 miles
2013 running mileage: 579 miles

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