Fitz Life

By Fitz

At the Hop!

Fitz Jnr was busy scooting round a go-kart track today at Craigtoun Country Park when Mrs Fitz shouted out that there was a frog loose on the track. After rescuing the wandering amphibian shortly before it was crushed beneath the wheels of a plastic tractor, we realised it was in fact a small toad, which was lucky to be alive given the crazed wanderings of various toddlers.

Young Fitz was thrilled to be holding such an exotic creature; Mrs Fitz, who was taking this picture through the medium of a long zoom, was slightly less so at at the prospect.

As his dad, I am pleased that my wee boy is growing up to be a lover of animal life in all its permutations. Later today we went chasing bees and butterflies round a field, before lifting a couple of rocks and collecting woodlice and beetles. Happy days!

Here's the tune...

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