The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Last Review

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Boss messaged me today…

TB: “oh - we do need to get your mid year review in the diary”

Me: “There is no amount of swearing that would be an adequate response to that”

TB: “cmon - it's the highlight of your year”

Me: “ I'd rather stick pins in my eyes”

TB: “Rude”

Me: “Before gargling with battery acid…and then putting my hand in a blender”

TB: “Ok - I'm picking up that you may not be as keen on this as you once were”

Me: “It's like you have second sight”

TB: “That’s why I’m "management”

I am more likely to have “I love my job” tattooed on my @rse than arrange a mid-year review!


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