The Way I See Things



The Family B, who are currently holidaying with G's parents in the Cotswold Water Park, came over today for a visit. At first the Boy Wonder, who hadn't seen us in person since his last weekend here back in April, was a little overwhelmed to be back, and dragged me around the garden asking questions ("Why have you got a pond? What is this bench for? Why has it got some bird poo on it? Why is the edge of your garden so messy? You should tidy it up! What's through there? Can we go and look?") as if he'd never been here before. But he soon settled down and began to enjoy himself. The Baby Brother, chonkily charming and smiley, gives the impression of being able to enjoy himself pretty much anywhere, provided his meals arrive on schedule. My notion that he looks a bit like Bryn Terfel has been reinforced by the habit he's now developed of singing little songs to himself.

By lunch time H had also arrived, on a day trip down from the Frozen North, and spent the afternoon alternately playing with Nephew One, and lugging Two around the garden. "We must do this more often," he said. "It's as effective as a gym membership, and much cheaper." The Boy Wonder especially enjoyed a game they made up in which he tried to trick H into drinking various revolting potions he'd made from bits of plant matter and paddling pool water, and H pretended to be tricked and drink them, responding each time with loud and extravagant disgust. For small children, of course, repetition is the soul of wit, and this game probably went on for a good half hour after H had tired of it, but his patience and good humour never showed any sign of slipping. 

I think the highlight of the Baby Brother's day may have been his first ever go in a swing, which he seemed to find equally surprising and entertaining. The Boy Wonder wanted to push him, of course, which was a bit nerve-wracking for everyone including the Brother, but B was very careful not to push too hard. It's really lovely to see how affectionate he is with the baby - who in return clearly adores and is fascinated by his older sibling. I suspect that by the time he's up and moving under his own steam I may be renaming him The Acolyte.

Needless to say I took far too many photos of my lovely family, but I somehow managed not to get any of the boys that were sufficiently anonymous for posting. So here are two Helophilus pendulus hoverflies in cop. Since I cleaned and cleared the wildlife pond last weekend the hoverflies are absolutely loving it. And, as you can see, each other.

R: C2, D21.

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