Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

And we're off!

It was a bit of a late night, we didn't get to bed until about midnight.

But we were all refreshed for the morning and the launch of our ESG Accelerator training programme in Manchester.

It was a long day, I did warn them it would be intense, but I think everyone really enjoyed it and got a lot of value out of it. Tomorrow is the last day of this module.

We were going to head out into Manchester for the evening to watch the footie, but as we were walking back to the hotel, the city centre was already rammed. So we stayed in the hotel and booked the table in front of the tv. Lol! Although it was a waste of time considering how bad England played. Lol! It was one Welshman, two Scots and an English lady, my young padawan, watching it.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

For some reason in Manchester, they have a statue of Trigger's brush from Only Fools and Horse. LOL!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Seeing the launch of our ESG Accelerator training programme
2.  The interaction and chats with everyone

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