Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Season First

I don't always find these lovely moths in my garden, but today was my lucky day I guess.  This is (wrongly) named Black and Yellow Lichen Moth - clearly, it is black and orange so I'm not sure why the common name suggests yellow.  Never the less, it's a beautiful little pollinator and it was  totally  ignoring me as I moved the flower around to get a better angle.  The flower is Swamp Milkweed, native to our area and a species I've successfully introduced to several parts of my garden.  It has a long bloom and is a pollinator magnet.

It has been mostly overcast today which is ideal for photography so I've spent much of the day outside with a camera in hand.  I've been switching back and forth between the Z6iii and the Z8.  I put the 24-120 f/4 lens on the Z6iii and used this combo for get some insect close ups. Not a true macro, but gets me very close to the subject. 

We watched "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" last night on Netflix, a true story that was very heartwarming.  It also serves as a reminder that the things we/I take for granted (like electricity) are not available to so many people.  

I doubled up on dark today - one with ginger and one with sea salt.


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