
By Teasel


I slept in, but amazingly still made my bus to work, and it’s been a busy old day at work. 
It was a lovely morning, but was rather grey and very windy at lunchtime and was threatening rain when I popped out to pick up some lunch.
After a very busy afternoon, I had to catch a later bus than I would have liked, but I did have a couple of very useful colleague catch ups.  BB was at an induction and training session and I had agreed to pick him up, except I realised that I wouldn’t be home in time to do that.  Ispent some time trying to get hold of TT, but failed, so sent BB the bus times!  In the end he got a lift home, so it all worked out in the end.
After tea, I went out for a wee walk.  It was rather windy, and a chilly wind at that, but otherwise a nice evening.  This is an emergency blip from the garden.  The gazania is in a pot which stands at the back door.

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