David J. Rose

By djrose007

On Parade - Riders and Gurkhas

Today was Gloucester Armed Forces Day, although some towns are honouring our Armed Forces last weekend and next weekend the 29th is the official day this year.
I had 6 of 'my' riders turned up ('My' riders as I'm the county rep!), one of them came by car because, despite being in the RBL Riders Branch he's never ridden a motorcycle but he's always reliable.
The other photograph is the QOGLC (Queens Own Gurkha Logistical Corps) ready to march off leading the parade, behind the band.
There was also Marine, Army, Air and Navy cadets, plus the WREN's Association marching plus a group of veterans bringing up the rear.
We, Riders, followed the parade out of the Cathedral grounds but while they turned left to go through the town, we turned right and rode to get ahead of them to do stewarding, or is it Marshalling, blocking the traffic coming up Commercial Road and Parliament St to Join Southgate Street where the parade would be marching the short distance to the Docks.
That was between 12:30 and 13:00. All went smoothly apart from an obstreperous delivery van driver who couldn't wait 10 minutes for the parade to pass - Well he did decide to wait when faced with two bikers with an official road closure document - Oh, and the police car that was creeping up slowly alongside the stationery traffic HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
In the extra photos there's one of us, we were the first to arrive at the Cathedral so I managed to get a shot of us with most of the Cathedral behind us. Also took one on the approach road to the Cathedral.
The extra collage shows an unusual boat, looks like a converted barge but it struck me not only unusual, but really rather attractive.
One of the Gurkhas taking a fancy to my bike and a 'flypast' by an RAF C17 Globemaster. I had booked a flypast but had a notification, from the BBMF, that it was not possible this year due to the enormous demand on their resources (D-Day, Market Garden etc.) Plus the recent Spitfire fatality. This C17 must have been on approach to RAF Brize Norton, where they are based, so it was an extremely lucky coincidence.
A great day all round, and lots of support from the public.

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