fools challenge

By ladypop

Early morning light

Sunny day, slight breeze from early afternoon

I've had a brilliant birthday. Woke at 5am, later had a cup of tea and then went out at 6.45 for a walk, it was so peaceful and really pleased to get the wren capture, though not the best photo, sun got in the way!  Home just before 8am and had breakfast, opened my cards, presents and dealt with lots of texts.  No phone calls as problem with the phone which an engineer fixed just before I had to go out, good timing and quick response.

K drove to our two friends and we met A and D at the restaurant.  Super meal sitting outside looking across the lake with lots of pretty water lilies. After the meal we went back to our friends and sat in their colourful garden, I even had a glass of wine, usually drink water.  Back home I watered the plants, did some tidying in the garden and then K and I went for a short walk early evening.

A truly wonderful day spent with people I love 

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