That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Burton Flour Mills

Phew, here at last in the Travelodge and relaxing with our picnic tea.
We left Wye at 8.30 this morning (which is a world record for us) aiming for my Middle Brother and S-i-l's, expecting to have plenty of time for the journey and even arrive earlier than planned. However, with so many 50mph limits and even more holdups with mile after mile of queuing traffic, we didn't arrive at MB's until 2.16pm, having taken only a half-hour stop for coffee. The compensations were several sightings of red kites.

He gave us a delicious lunch as we caught up since our last visit before Easter and watched the activities at the three bird feeders - collared doves, wood pigeon, green- gold- and chaffinch, blue and great tits vying for a turn on the sunflowers seeds.

After four hours we headed off, passing close by Big Brother's flat and, not far from our destination, to our disbelief, a group of gypsy caravans on the roadside verge, their horses grazing on the opposite verge.

I eyes have had enough for one day, time for an early night.

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