Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wishful thinking

Whew! An exhausting day spent walking around Cambridge all day visiting various colleges. When Luke was unable to go to the university Open Day last week, I subsequently contacted various colleges and arranged for a private tour for Luke and I to take place today. I then decided to include Adam on this trip (saves me repeating this trip next year) and a friend of Luke's asked if he could join us.

So there we were on the platform of Kings Cross Station at 10.15am, our coffee in hand, ready for our visit to Cambridge to begin. The boys were wonderful company - suitably well mannered and charming, and it was fun chatting to them hearing about their hopes and dreams for the future.

This is a picture of them staring wistfully at Trinity College - currently ranked the number one college at Cambridge and consequently very difficult to get a place there (unless you are Prince Charles who has connections in higher places, I suppose).

Trinity College was founded by Henry VIII in 1546 as part of the University of Cambridge. It has some very famous alumni including Lord Byron, Sir Isaac Newton and also has more Nobel prize winners amongst it's alumni list than any other college.

It was a long and tiring day but very worthwhile. The end result is that although the prospectus says you need A*AA to be offered a place, the admissions departments told us that in reality you need a minimum of 85% -ideally 90% - in all three A levels to be offered a place at any college there. Wishful thinking indeed...

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