
By LadyFindhorn

This and the Hydrangea

It was a snap decision to join #1 daughter for a trip to the beach this morning, especially as I had discounted the idea of a solo swim when I wakened to a grey gloomy morning. Nothing like the offer of company to change my mind. 
With a coffee at 10am with my Merry Widows complicating the issue, I was out of the house like a cork out of a bottle and baring all just after 8am . It was breezy and felt quite chilly as we waded into the water, a bit like October rather than June but there is nothing like the buzz of palavering about in the sea to boost one’s endorphins. 
We were joined by 6 other ladies and 3 men making it almost a gala meeting.

Because I had left everything so late I decided to get an Uber home while the daughter got a bus. It was an expensive option but meant I had time for a shower and for getting my gear rinsed free of sand before making it on time for my coffee. 
The sun did make a brief appearance at some point making a difference to the temperature but didn’t stick around and so there is no sitting outside for me this afternoon.

My hydrangea petiolaris is having a bumper year but I will really need to cut it back after it’s flowered or it will bring the wall of the house down.

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