Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


I did some housework this morning as it has been far too hot, these last few days, for housework. I do not normally do housework on a Sunday, but as I am out for all or part of the next two days, it seemed a sensible use of my time. Together with cooking lunch, that was the morning gone.
Today’s picture is of some wild blackberry flowers, growing in what has become a wildflower border. It was not what I had in mind; the wildflowers were going over at the Southern boundary of our property. However, these are all self-seeded so they can stay and maybe the wildflower border by the fence will materialize next year.
The temperature at noon today was eighteen degrees Celsius. It rained overnight and for some of this morning, but there was a weak sun at times, but mainly over clouded.

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