
By ArcLight

Beach day

It was a chilly morning for a swim, with water heading below 10 degrees again. That's a bit odd, I think. It should be up in the mid teens by now. The wind was up, but there weren't any waves at all. We swam for about 20 minutes, and unfortunately I felt a bit cold afterwards and took a while to get myself completely straight again. Partly, I think that was tiredness. I dropped off for a while in the afternoon.

Mr A and P accompanied me to Shandwick, and despite fears, there were a decent number of people present and it was a very pleasant experience. P turned up with small pots of home made marmalade for everyone. And when we got home we tucked into the cake that T from up the road brought round for us. Delicious. People are so kind.

P (our P, not marmalade P) left after a round of coffee and cake to drive south again. We had a very quiet afternoon. As mentioned above, it may have featured a nap. I did bestir myself after dinner to put a few watering cans worth of water on the beds in the back, having decided that things were starting to look crispy. No action with the hose in the front, although if it doesn't rain soon, there will need to be.

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