Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I spent this morning preparing the food for Glyndebourne, and then we set off at about 12.40pm to get there in good time for when the gardens opened at 2pm. Adam and Anna arrived back from the USA this morning and I was hoping to see them before we left but we unfortunately just missed them. 

The weather today was a bit unsettled, we were not sure whether to set up our picnic meal in the gardens or under cover of the marquee as it did look like there could be some rain. We decided to go for the choice of the beautiful gardens, and yes, we did have a very short sprinkling of light rain but it did not last long and we sheltered under a tree when this happened. We had our picnic meal before the performance of The Magic Flute started at 4pm, and then at the long interval at about 6pm we had our pudding. 

This photo was taken as we arrived before the gardens filled up with people. This was not our picnic setup but a table booked by another party of people. I balanced my camera on the table to take the extra, the camera was much lower than it should have been but it was fine as a record shot of us with our friends at the event.

The opera was a bit bonkers, Glyndebourne productions usually take a traditional opera set in the 18th century and stages it in a modern setting - this production was set in the kitchen of a hotel, and at one point the stage was full of women suffragettes so I am not sure how they fitted in with the plot but it was fun with a fantastic set, great costumes and excellent singing. The famous Queen of the Night aria always gives me goose bumps.

We got back home at about 9.30pm so by the time we had unpacked the car and washed up, it was a bit late uploading my blip.

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