
By Veronica

Copla y chanson

I'm afraid that the photo of S setting out across a Pyrenean meadow in his new boots got edged out by this photo of tonight's show in our village. If only to demonstrate that once July arrives, c'est toujours la fête !

This excellent group performed a mixture of French and Spanish songs, as their name implies. There was a very good flamenco guitarist, but the performance as a whole wasn't really flamenco, if only because I could understand all the words. Added to which, no dancing was involved. Also it included an accordeon, which I am pretty sure is not a typical instrument in this context :) The show was very much appreciated in a packed amphitheatre on a warm summer night.

Singer Olivier Martinez has a great stage presence, and I was spoilt for choice. But it's late and I need to be up early in the morning, so I picked this representative one for my blip.

In other news. Mr Mystère was overjoyed to see me, and the garden survived four days with no water remarkably well given how hot it's been. I still haven't caught up with journals and comments, but I'll get there.

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