
By davidc

Farne Islands Boat Trip - "Classic" Puffin Shot!

The Toronto family spent this weekend in London visiting old friends, so with our toddler grandson being away we decided to take Son#2 and his partner to the Farne Islands. We had a super trip and I took far too many photos on "rapid fire" (would you believe almost 6,000?! - a record for me). So I've not had much time to go through them yet (and to delete 98% of them!) so here's a few to go on with. I do like the main blip of the Puffin coming into land with a beak full of sand eels - and also the first extra of a very annoyed Arctic tern being disturbed while incubating its eggs - I'm glad I was wearing a hat as it dive-bombed me. The second extra is a Kittiwake with a cute chick.

We had a bonus: another ship had spotted some dolphins so our captain added an extra hour (free) to the trip to go and see them. My photos of them are a bit disappointing - the pop up for such a short time and were very rarely showing their faces, so I have lots of photos of dorsal fins but not a lot else!

(If I ever find the time I hope to produce a Google Album of the trip sometime.)

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