
By blipperdude

Raff’s Birthday

It was an oddly quiet Sunday… we were up early for Raff’s birthday, with excellent coffee, cards and presents. Everyone was rather bleary-eyed from a late Saturday night of barbecue and celebrations, but after a welcome breakfast, there was a bit of a family diaspora. Raff headed off for Mass at ten, and Milo was out all day with friends, then watching the footie in the evening. Preston Primary School, where V works, held its school summer fete today, so she was helping with that along with Dash, Ed & Tara for most of the day. Monty is the furthest away of all of us, currently backpacking in Albania.

So that left Gubs and I pottering around at home. I’m winding down from work, and for me, that usually involves a few days of seriously catching up on sleep… so I found myself napping in the afternoon. Later, I cooked up a supper of spaghetti & meatballs (Raff’s favourite) for a birthday supper fit for a king.

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