
By Jaybay

Change of plan

So we are home, unexpected end to trip.
When we were taking Hetty out for her last walk at eleven last night hubby said the carpet was very warm and lifted it to find a very hot battery, and also smell of eggs. We googled it and not good. We turned all the power off and disconnected from the mains to cool it down. Without power we can’t run water, flush toilet, have lights and as we were heading for a site with no facilities this was not good. We decided to head home. Called into Settle for a very wet walk round and a very good chive and marmite scone and coffee.
Home for four. Shame but a battery that hot and obviously leaking acid, because of the smell, is dangerous so the right thing to do.
Son in law sent a lovely photo of grandson after his visit to the hospital this morning with no dressing on his hand and said it is healing very well, so that’s good news.
Look on the bright side and thankfully this happened I mYorkshire dales and not a Scottish island or Europe later in the year.

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