David J. Rose

By djrose007

Visiting GG

This photo is actually from yesterday but I haven't taken any photos today, very busy day and then an RBL Riders Branch (Gloucestershire) meeting in the evening.
When I took the girls to see what Great Granny's, and Great Grandad's, grave was like at the moment we had a good discussion about the difference between cremation and burial. They were very interested in cremation particularly, wanting to know if it hurt when the body was burned, which I explain it didn't of course and why. 
I returned to this spot again this morning to sort out Johanna's grave, just behind GG's, as I hadn't been since the funeral in January. I dug out all of the Campanula, or is it Aubretia, I can never remember which is which. Got rid of the odd clumps of grass that had taken hold and filled in again with the soil, planting the flowering plants back in and topping off with potting compost. Also a good watering, the ground was like concrete and luckily I had taken a good fork and spade with me so managed to dig it all up and break it down before replanting.

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