
By DDon

Country Geometry

I thought I'd give the whole bird thing a rest, although I do have a couple of updates. Here in the summer, lots of geometric shapes show up as farmers cut the crops, bale the hay, and stack walls and bulwarks of straw and hay. I like the geometry of summer lines. We used to have hay eggs of big round bales, but the most common shape now are these massive rectangular bricks of grass. As I write this, a tractor races across this field scooping them up, then builds these big hay castles out in the fields. Long gone are the days when we followed a tractor and a flatbed truck around, pitching 60 pound bales in the hot summer sun.

Updates on the birds: We saw three of the cedar waxwing fledglings from the same brood as the one we cared for. These were all perched at the top of a maple next to the fir where I found our bird. I told these guys to hang on...if you fall, you're on your own.

The other update (and a near blip) was the ospreys I blipped a couple of times in the spring. We drove by this afternoon and there were three ospreys sitting around the nest. I don't know how many little ospreys there were, but at least one made it this year.

There's your bird update.

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