The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Los Jardines

We stepped out down town, primarily to buy a bigger mug for my morning cuppa. I don’t know why I’ve put up with it so long really. Every morning, kettle on, and then a substandard tea drinking experience. No more!
Of course, other purchases were skipped away with too; a bottle of seven y.o. rum for Sir and a dinky straw bag for m’lady. We’ll need to somehow smuggle that home in our budget Ryanair baggage allowance. Perhaps m’lady could wear it as a hat. The rum won’t be a problem - the rate of evaporation in this heat is remarkable.
Much later, tapas followed by a stroll to Eden Paradise (truthfully, it falls somewhat short of that sobriquet (indeed)) where once again, Mr Mercury, apparently risen again, takes us through his greatest hits. What a life.

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