Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Knock on Wood

I spotted that Claremont Gardens were hosting a sculpture trail by the Surrey Sculpture Society for the next couple of weeks, so headed over to have a look. As usual, they put on a good exhibition of work from some very talented sculptors, and some were almost even affordable!

The compact gardens are also good for a leisurely walk around - I normally manage a couple of circuits plus a stop for coffee!  About half way round by the lake there is this wonderful tree with an amazingly distorted trunk.  My initial glance always sees a diving otter, but if I keep on looking I see can see a family of otters or perhaps other animals; maybe a turtle? a knight in shining armour?    JacZero has also set a Mono Monday challenge of Superstition, so I remembered to Knock on Wood for luck, which may date back to ancient pagan times, when people believed spirits lived in trees, and touching or knocking on the tree would protect them from bad luck. I have also been known to tap my "wooden" head for the same reason :-)

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