Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Poppy Anemone…

… There’s a little ‘peace garden’ locally. It’s always a delight to see what’s flowering there. Poppy Anemonenemones today… (Who knows when to stop? And don’t start me on ‘anenomes’ versus ‘anemones’. Land or sea.. I’m always confident until I write it down - such a blind spot for me!).

And our furry guest? He’s been joyous.
Not a bit of trouble. We shall miss him when he goes home. We took him for a late walk, before bed last night. It was weird to be out at such an unusually late (for us) hour. I had that feeling, just like staying up late as a child, of almost ‘wonderment’, that such a familiar place can feel so different at a different time of day. (Maybe I’m just tired?).
I won’t mention the things he found to eat along the path. (You forget when you haven’t had a dog for a while!).

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