
By Schoenies

Radiant Red

I have a few of these Geraniums in containers, and they provide a beautiful splash of red.
Hubby T is still suffering from his cold so he had a quiet day. This afternoon I went to a funeral of a wonderful lady from our church who died of cancer - she was only 41, and she leaves a young family behind. I have never seen the church so full - people were sitting in the Sunday School area, conference room, library, church foyer, every available space was filled. She was much loved. RIP Veronica
I bought fish and chips for supper on the way home which tasted good.
Daughter Sally phoned to say she had confronted a huge Baboon at her workplace that had been raiding the pantry. She turned around to run away but tripped and fell  Fortunately the baboon ran over her and out of the kitchen. She sounded traumatised. Baboons are becoming a menace in some parts of the country.

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