
By PaulaJ

Read, reading, to read

I am doing a lot of reading whilst here; it is such a joy to sit outside in the sunshine, shaded sunshine anyway.

I have just finished Huckleberry Finn, a book I read a long time ago (I had to buy a new copy as I couldn’t find my old one) and have loved reading again. I read it in preparation for reading ‘James’, Percival Everett’s remaking of it, which is getting such wonderful reviews.

‘The Talented Mr Ripley’. I am probably the only person who has never read a Patricia Highsmith (nor seen any of the Ripley TV versions). I have just never been into crime fiction. But I have signed up for a series of lectures on 1950s female writers starting in September - so here goes with the first one.

Then I want to get started with a Barbara Kingsolver that several people have said I should read - ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ - it’s a huge book, it will keep me going.

A bit cooler today, although it is sunny at the moment. There is a Night Market going on down in Eymet but we have decided we are ‘marketed out’ until Thursday. There seems to be football on again - I am very happy out here in the sunshine with a glass of wine . . . and Mr Ripley!

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