
By soozaday


I’m sure I’ve seen this symbol for the sun engraved somewhere. What’s strange is that when I switched the photo to black and white, the symbol simply faded back into the fog and the lines were gone. 

I was walking earlier than usual, to avoid the projected heat wave. The fog was moving in and out, according to its own logic. The sun wasn’t really shining, it was more of a glow. My attention was caught by the solitary tiny figure on the beach. I didn’t see any Native American symbols etched in the sky.I don’t really have any explanation for this image. 

I was more interested in the phenomenon in the Extra—a somewhat mysterious white glow out on the ocean. I watched a fishing boat pass through the aura and come out on the right, meaning it wasn’t a black hole or a portal. Or maybe it was, but it wasn’t working at the time. It was just a very interesting morning.

Oh, and the heat wave blessedly did not materialize, at least right here. High of 74. 

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