
By flavia13


Most UK Blippers will know what I'm referring to in that title.  

A much needed quiet day today.  Am just catching up on some emails and photographic sites but that's all.

I am rubbish at posting direct onto Blipfoto from my phone.  I can get the photo loaded OK but when I start typing I have often found that I get thrown out, it's 'cos I really find predictive text hard to do.  So I will sometimes just put  the photo up if it's to  come direct from the phone and then add in the rest of the details on my laptop, as I am doing today!!!!

A really lovely day yesterday.  Amazingly the trains ran smoothly and on time.  Garron and I arrived in Carlisle at 9.21 am.  Walked over to Castle Street and went into The CastleGate Coffee Shop for coffee before the castle opened at 10.00 am.

It's a very interesting castle and we had a good, slow and steady for Garron walk around with plenty of places to sit when needed.  The weather was interchangeable but good for us.  Garron couldn't manage a walk up on the ramparts though.

We went over to the Military Museum, a very interesting and thought  provoking museum.  It brings it home to  you that although many of the things i here are now exhibits they once belonged  to someone and the stories are true and terrible.  We saw drawer upon drawer of meddles, hip flasks and items that have been painstakingly catalogue and the majority used to belong to someone - some of whom died in warfare.  They have an exhibition on at the moment called Arnhem 80, The Aftermath and The Legacy.

The cafe there doesn't open  until 11.00 so we didn't need a coffee but Garron did need to sit.  Luckily there were places for him to sit within the museum.

We purchased a couple of items to help support and keep the museum open.

We then went through a courtyard and into some cellars, we a member of staff joined us and  told us harrowing stories of how people were locked up in there and just left and about 91 people to a small room just left.  I won't go into details it's rather gruesome.  The guide was a good speaker.  He also told us the story of how he managed to photograph a ghost dog!!!!  Well he showed us, I could see it but it was rather tenuous to say the least - interesting story behind it though. 
Garron was beginning to get more dizzy by now so we slowly wended our way back into the town and went for a nice lunch in the cafe at Book Case.   We then had a browse - it's HUGE.   It has a new book shop with it too called Book Ends.  

We then popped into Carlisle Cathedral, whilst Garron had a seat I wondered around  taking a few photos.  I  will have to go back again and take Hubby, he would enjoy the castle and museum but he didn't want to come with us today (things to do on his allotment!!)

We then went back to the station. By now it was getting quite warm but the train arrived on time and we headed home.  Tired but a good day.

Please see extras for the collages I have put together of our day  in Carlisle.

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