
By NCDWarks

Chasing the Wind...

...but not anymore!

One thing I'm certain of is that being in Nottingham is that it's facilitated a lot of growth for me as a professional and an individual. I'm still learning, and hope that never stops if I'm honest, but I really appreciate the guidance I've had from the Lord in my life.

In a few weeks we relocate, back to Warwick where is all began. It's where my wife was living when we met. It's where I first set up my own driving school business. It's where I first started exploring faith seriously. And it's where I'd hope to settle for a little longer than the 6 years we've been in Nottingham.

I'm sure my boys will miss this however - although last week was too hot to go, and this week we might as well have gone swimming it was that wet. Time for a bath, for the boys. Then a hot shower for me.

So I hated life, because what is done under the sun was grievous to me, for all is vanity and a striving after wind.
Ecclesiastes 2:17 ESV

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