
By SparseRunner


Today was a typical third day at a conference: I had almost no valuable talks to attend, and was very tired from the past week, but that left more time to chat to people. One was a Dane with whom I can talk on a good technical level, but haven't seen since 2017. Another was a Georgian I admitted to our MSc in the pandemic but never met, and one was a random Turk who seemed lonely and pleased to find someone to talk to.

I'd spotted two Turfers slowly exploring the campus so, in a break I intercepted them, only to find that the low-ranked one was a sleeping one-year-old being pushed round by her father. He was a Swede living in Trondheim, whose partner was visiting DTU for work. All this made for some delightful random conversation.

After lunch the sun came out, so I took the opportunity to capture a HiGHS team photo for publicity purposes, and was very pleased with the outcome after using Google on my phone to blur the background. We also discovered that the 2025 edition of EURO will be in Leeds, so that provided two obvious days on which to schedule the next HiGHS Workshop.

We'd hoped to eat out as a group in the evening, but И was tired and has an early start tomorrow, and J's girlfriend is ill. Our S didn't win the EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award, but I couldn't find him afterwards. Hence it was just me and A who (at last) found a Copenhagen restaurant that offered reasonably priced, larger portions of good food in attractive surroundings.

Chapeau Cavendish!

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