
By windychickens

Before we start

This tin of home made biscuits was one of the gifts I was given last night. The tin lid reads “If you feel something is missing in life, it is almost always a biscuit”. x

And lovely Kate has filled the tin with biscotti and they are totally yum. So I took the photo this morning before tucking in.

I walked the dogs with my old friend Hannah first off. When I told her I was camping next weekend, she insisted I borrow her ‘packing cube’, which is a new one on me. So I promised to collect it later.

Then JenSky and I went to a garden centre to buy a few plants for the church plant ;-)

And then I called into Hannah’s to collect her packing cube. She was hopping with excitement when I arrived on her doorstep.

She wanted to ask if the church plant could use two sofas she’s passing on. And they are lovely sofas and yes we can. I love this sequence of events. A dog meet to a packing cube to two lovely sofas.

A lake swim this evening had me driving up and down the A10 for the 8th time in 7 days. And I thought I was swimming alone until a funny little Enfield mermaid appeared next to me at the far side. Nice.

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