Spent most of the day resting.
The Rev made an excellent nurse:)))
We watched TV and read together.
I sorted some paperwork out. No movement or brain power required.

This afternoon we still hadn’t had technology for virtual ward. I wasn’t feeling brilliant so we called to chase it up.
I hadn’t been referred properly!!!! Again because The Rev knew who to call and after a few very. crossed frustrated words it was sorted. He did apologise but told them I work at the hospital trust and will take this further. We’re lucky because of the post he holds but what about others that don’t know how to fight for their rights. It’s not acceptable.
Anyway a community nurse came out took my stats….mostly good. Oxygen and heart rate a little low but okish.
She left me with a monitor and will come again Friday. Felt happier now things have been checked. My bestie Em came to visit. She’s a good calming friend it was nice to catch up as she’s had a lot going on with the sudden death of her Mum.
Ready for a goodnight sleep zzzzz
Will catch up with my replies soon folks!!!

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