
By KatesGardenPDX

Gorgeous Day!

And a busy one - grocery shopping, dentist for a cleaning and acupuncture! But enough time in between to putter around and get some stuff done. No big plans for the 4th really - our HOA is having a get together with games and appetizers, so that should be fun. And my friend and her friend (who I do not know) are coming over late afternoon to hang out before they go back to their condos to watch fireworks. I'm invited but I don't have any interest in driving that far at that hour!

The Canon still has the macro attached and it's all set up on the tripod. And the sun is out - it's hard to use the macro in the winter time because it's so dark and gray out. So you may be in for a long series of iPhone and Canon macro shots! A Dahlia bud today, which looks to me like it's covered in gelatin, although it's just water I spritzed on it.

A couple of my friends have invited themselves over on Saturday for lunch/iced tea and a dip in our pool since it's going to be SO hot this weekend. And later Saturday my date from last weekend has invited me to go to a movie (in a nice, cool theatre!). Sunday my son and the kids should be around, so a nice, social weekend coming up!

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