
Kip Hanrahan - At Home In The Night

Being on rooftops or high places gives one a chance to see things from another perspective, a greater scope of things which are normally never seen; the bigger picture. It can help give resolution and when we all eventually come down after reflection, hopefully, the paths we choose are now given a stronger sense of direction.

Thinking deeply is the key sense of our own truth. As trite as it sounds, these questions must be asked. No more time to waste, wasting only to give momentary relief to continue on.

On a more grounded note. It was a hot day and if there were a song to describe the insta-sweat on my back it would be Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall by Coldplay. Hehehe. In more ways than one, it's true, but it lets me know I'm alive. Keep the week going with your heart. Peace out.

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