
By StephenF

Today's the day

It's been an interminable  campaign since the Prime Minister surprised everyone in choosing to go to the country on 5 July, rather earlier than he needed to. As he addressed the nation from the lectern outside Downing Street, the heavens rained down on him and Steve Bray, the inveterate anti-Brexit campaigner, could be heard in Whitehall blasting out Things Can Only Get Better, the New Labour theme song in1997, from his portable speakers. Not the most auspicious of starts for Mr Sunak! Anyway, today's the day we all get to exercise our democratic choice, even if that means voting tactically rather than for the party one would wish to support. Like Brexit, a PR alternative to the First Past the Post system was not a subject that engaged the two main parties in the campaign. The photo is of the polling station in Horsell that covers our road, one of the few in Chobham that fall into the Woking constituency. Jen and I voted when I took her to the station and it was very quiet at that time, around 7.45am. It's a Church Hall so any voters so inclined can offer up an invocation for the right result. Or, like the rest of us, just wait until the exit poll at 10pm tonight to get the first indication of how the country has actually voted. And that's the most important message of all, whatever party you support or choose tactically to support, VOTE -  because its our privilege that we have that opportunity to choose who governs us when millions of people in the world don't.

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