
By snap_in_my_day


Started at 5:00am with a 2.25km walk on an inflamed knee, I think I tweaked it tossing and turning in bed...
At 11:00am I had xrays and an Ultrasound on my left foot... Lady said there was a lot going on in my foot and could understand it being sore...
At 12:30pm I spent time out at the Nudgee Waterhole (aka the duck pond) just chilling and thinking...
My late afternoon was spent at my jigsaw puzzle table...
Tonight I got notification that my GP has my foot results and would like to see me... I go into the Evercare app and the earliest is Monday at 8:15am, so I booked it... But Friday morning I'll phone the clinic and ask if there's any cancellations to please let me know...

It'll be interesting to get the results to see what's actually going on with my left foot...

A couple of weeks ago I actually had xrays and an Ultrasound on my right foot because I'd developed Bursitis where my 2nd and 3rd toe meet my foot, which all stemed from doing standing on my tippy toe exercises with the Exercise physiologist... Those results confirmed Bursitis but also more arthritis, a stress fracture on the side of my foot near the little toe, and internal tear between my 2nd and 3rd toe on the underside of my foot plus a couple of other issues...

If it's not one thing it's another...

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