
By biddy

I have cast my vote…..

…. this morning. Can you guess which party! Clue in the photo….;-p
The red rose I’ve picked from the garden today. (Along with some others, which were being buffeted by a strong wind.). Although it has been sunny and quite warm at times.

We had a walk in Sutton Park first thing this morning, followed by a coffee at the Bistro. It was fairly quiet.
Once we got home we went to vote at our nearby Polling Station which is in the grounds of the school in a small wooden building which houses a 24 place before and after school club, and a small Preschool. (Both of which would not be using it today).
After lunch we’ve been to see Bobbie once again as we will be away for a few days towards the end of next week in Winchester once more, visiting friends and some of Stephen’s former work colleagues.
This evening and the early hours of tomorrow will be taken up with the Election results although we’ll probably have a snooze after the Exit Polls at 10:00pm for a bit, before the first results begin to appear, usually after 1:30am.
I’ve set up a WhatsApp group with our two friends so we can all keep in touch during the night and eat our chocolate in the process!
Right now it’s time to have some dinner!
See you tomorrow!

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