
By Chiffchaff

Arthurian Legend. Cats?

It was brought to my attention by a very kind comment of another "Blipper" that I mention we have three cats, but I have not actually Blipped them!

Well there is no time like the present. Meet (from left to right) Pellinore, Merlin, and Arthur. They needed to be made into a collage, simply because getting three young cats to sit perfectly together for a high quality photograph is a taxing task!

Those of you familiar with Arthurian Legend (and it's many forms), will no doubt see a fanfare of names you recognise there.

All three are pure pedigree Ragdolls, but with different markings for the breed.

Merlin (Centre) is a blue colour point male "Show quality", just over a year old now, and weighing in at 5kg already. He's a big, rumble tumble boy, very vocal, very floppy (breed nature), and gentle. Falls over his own feet. Loves the smell of fish.

Arthur (Right) is just under a year old, and a seal lynx (or tabby) point male. "Show quality". Weighing in at 4kg, big feet, stripey socks to die for. I love his white spectacles. He's very much the "let's play rough" boy of the litter. Big sense of adventure for things much greater in size than he is...

Pellinore (Left)....Oh little Pelly. Pelly is too, a boy...however feminine his features seem to be...and he, is nothing short of "Quirky". Pelly isn't "Show quality", as you can see, his markings are a little unsymetrical, and he has a dark spot on one paw, he is Bi-Colour tabby point, with white legs..but my gosh his character surpasses any standards used in any show I've ever seen. He fetches, has moments of uncontrollable attachment syndrome, falls to the floor and rolls at random, and likes to go cross eyed. He loves water, tapping the water tap, and widening his eyes to double their size. He's also much smaller than the other two boys, at around 3kg. He is Arthur's litter brother. We're blessed to have a Pelly in our life.

So there we have it!
Merlin and Arthur have been in shows in the past. Merlin totalled up several best of breeds, and around 10 awards, but if I'm honest, it wasn't for him, and wasn't for us. We did it as a hobby to keep close with the breeder and as a social event...but it got far too serious. We love our cats for being CATS...and although we really did enjoy the social side of showing, some of the ladies there were be around when they became somewhat competative.

We are and never have been competative with the things we love. So now we are all happilly hugging their fur our of place, rolling around on the floor with them, and playing chase.

Purrrrfect :)

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